Monday, January 5, 2009

50th Wedding Anniversay Cakes

So back in November, my friend Lisa asked if I would make her parents 50th Anniversary cake. I was really excited to do it because I was asked to make a cake similar to their original cake. How cool is that.

First off, I was touched by the longevity of her parents relationship and the beauty of the memory. As we talked about the cake, Lisa shared her Mother's wedding pictures with me. They were amazing! They were married in the late 50ths, and seeing all the style and elegance of that period was awesome. Lisa shared her idea of "recreating" her parents wedding day thru pictures, wedding day memorabilia (like displaying her mothers wedding dress and one of the bridesmaids dress on antique wire mannequins, and thru the cake. I was hooked....I had to make the cake!

Lisa also asked that I make a two tiered chocolate cake....similar to a grooms cake, even though her father didn't have one at their originally wedding. Everything would have gone off without a hitch....had Bo not eaten the Chocolate cake (see previous Blog entry). Despite that little hick up, the cakes came out very nice and Lisa was very happy with the finished product. Lisa was excited to report back that when the party guest saw the cake they were amazed that it was just like the original cake.

I only wish I had better pictures of both cakes. The picture of the white cake was prior to delivery, so the finishing fresh flowers were not in place. I hope to get a picture of the "finished' cake from Lisa soon. The chocolate cake did not photo graph well. The black back drop just did not work for this cake. I need to buy a light neutral colored drop for darker cakes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! 1-9