I can't believe I almost didn't post this cake. I actually misplaced it and just found it last night! This is my impression of a 1940's Royal Typewriter.
Emily ordered this cake for her boyfriends graduation. She stated that he actually uses one daily and thought that it would make the perfect cake/gift. I was so indredibly excited about making this cake. I knew it would be a challenge for me though. The base itself was easy, but I had to figure out a way to attached each key and the barrel paper feeder.....on top of making them.
I struggled with the barrel. It was originally too heavy for the cake, so I had to come up with a new plan. I decided to make the barrel out of poster board, then wrapped that in fondant. The knobs at either end were the next problem. I couldn't get them to stay attached. Finally, I managed to keep them attached with toothpicks, of all things!
The drama was only half way over. This cake was delivered to downtown Austin. I had to drive it from San Marcos very carefully, so that the attached parts would not fall. I am sure I made a few drivers angry......I promise I stayed out of the left lane!
Emily and her boyfriend were very excited about the cake. I learned a lot about attaching decorations.....but oh so much more to learn!